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"To tend it and keep it" Gen. 2:15

How it works...

Welcome! We're are a grassroots organization for people seeking to protect, nurture, and actively promote:

  • Our children and the Earth,

  • Our country and our freedoms (wherever we may live) including the freedom to gather,

  • And a good life with justice for everyone.

We believe in working with like-minded individuals and families toward local sustainability & self governance. And we believe in putting our values into action in creative, concrete ways, such as through homeschooling, micro-schools or larger schools with a teaching emphasis on the wonders of God's creation.

Currently we are advancing the Farm-School Co-op concept through our EcoMercy Farm & Permaculture Learning Center in partnership with St. John Chrysostom School in Nakyaka village, Uganda.

100% of your donations given via this page go to our programs in Uganda including:

  1. Permaculture training, from third-parties such as The Permaculture Research Institute of Uganda and Connect Africa.

  2. Sustainable agriculture / permaculture projects & equipment, which reduce school food costs while training children in permaculture principles and practice.

  3. Our uniform program, which helps needy families, advertises our school locally in Uganda, and witnesses to Christ on social media. (Still working on setting this up as of October 2021, but getting closer.)

  4. Administrative and occasional emergency needs of our dean's family and school staff members and volunteers.

Our accountability to our donors is assured through (1) reporting of all donations and amounts funded, including a specific purpose for each amount funded, and (2) providing photographs of projects completed, items purchased, receipts, and other documents, all of which is presented in an easy-to-read, narrative format in our newsletter for our monthly donors, our Strategic Stewardship Partners!

Give in accordance with your ethical and environmental principles. Set up a recurring monthly donation of an amount you can afford. Sow love and mercy and share in an abundant harvest.

The opportunities are great and there are many ways to help: (1) Tell others, (2) Visit Uganda to encourage us, and (3) Pray for the provision of the children's needs because their lives are precious to God.

To empower Nakyaka village children and youth with the mastery of permaculture concepts and solutions, while facilitating their academic schooling, for the strengthening of families and the glory of Jesus Christ.

*Donations are tax deductible. We are a US 501(c)(3) public charity under the name EcoMercy International, Inc. This name reflects our mission of establishing permaculture farms and training centers next to our partnering schools.

Permaculture is "a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labour; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system.”

  • Bill Mollison, Father of permaculture

"With us everything should be secondary compared to our concern with children, and their upbringing in the instruction and teaching of the Lord."

  • St. John Chrysostom (347-407) ☦️

“You can solve all the world's problems in a garden.”

  • Geoff Lawton, permaculture designer

"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me, if you have understanding..."

  • God (Job 38:4)

Become one of our
Strategic Stewardship Partners

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May God bless you!

Glory be to God!

Stephen Lunagula, Operations Director of EcoMercy International, Nakyaka, Uganda, together with his wife Elizabeth and daughter and two grandchildren at St. John Chrysostom School.

Read The EcoMercy International Story:


What is Permaculture?

"Permaculture," a combination of the words “permanent” and “agriculture,” is now a worldwide movement, but it is not so much a tribe of people as a roadmap for living in such a way that environmental resources, such as soil and water, are not degraded, but increased. It is a body of practical wisdom and a collection of best practices for living on the land and providing necessities through small scale gardening and farming, emphasizing connections between elements in the farm so that, as in an natural ecosystem, no byproduct goes to waste.

Permaculture principles help guide our funding decisions:

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