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Why we do what we do:

We believe in being independent—thinking independently and living independently, which really just means being dependent on God alone.

It can mean to be at peace when others are striving. It can mean to keep seeking truth and answers when others are at peace. And standing for what's right without compromise.

It can mean to creatively challenge the status quo to make our lives better.

The status quo is to be dependent. It is to say, "I can't" because of x, y, z. Or it is to demand change from others instead of taking responsibility for creating the world we dream of.

At EcoMercy International, we believe we can create because we were born to create. We were created to create abundance and beauty. We're not going to let our God-given talents go to waste.

How we do what we do: 

We believe in creating locally sustainable livelihoods centered on meeting the needs of children, including the need to touch and experience nature. And we believe that what we are doing in Nakyaka, Uganda, together with the Lunagula family, inspires and guides those of us living in wealthier nations toward this same endeavor, which is needed now more than ever.

What we do:

Specifically, we advocate helping communities through creating farm-school co-ops, in which we teach and practice permaculture principles alongside academics.

We believe, wherever our children live, they need not only an academic education, but also a concerted demonstration of living sustainably on the land with ingenuity and perseverance. Each gives meaning to the other.

And, if God wills, we dream of building more farm-school co-ops (that is to say ecovillages with schools or co-housing communities with gardens and schools) around the world where you can live too!

Some organizations, businesses, governments, etc., create dependency.

We create. Period.

Because we know who we are and what we believe.

Be creative.

Be yourself. And give of yourself.

Set up a recurring donation today!

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